
zerox - 使用视觉模型将 PDF 转换为 Markdown
zerox基于视觉模型 API 服务,提供了将 PDF 文档转化为 Markdown 的功能。其原理是先将原文件(如 pdf、docx)转换为图片,然后把图片发给视觉模型处理,最后汇总所有结果生成完整的 Markdown 文件。
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zerox基于视觉模型 API 服务,提供了将 PDF 文档转化为 Markdown 的功能。其原理是先将原文件(如 pdf、docx)转换为图片,然后把图片发给视觉模型处理,最后汇总所有结果生成完整的 Markdown 文件。


一种非常简单的 OCR 文档以进行 AI 摄取的方法。毕竟,文档应该是一种视觉表示。带有奇怪的布局、表格、图表等。视觉模型很有意义!

  • 传入文件(pdf、docx、image 等)
  • 将该文件转换为一系列图像
  • 将每张图片传递给 GPT 并很好地请求 Markdown
  • 聚合响应并返回 Markdown

Node Zerox安装和使用

npm install zerox

Zerox 使用 和 用于 pdf => 图像处理步骤。这些应该会自动拉取,但您可能需要手动安装。graphicsmagickghostscript

在 linux 上使用:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y graphicsmagick

Node 用法

使用文件 URL

import { zerox } from "zerox";

const result = await zerox({
  filePath: "https://omni-demo-data.s3.amazonaws.com/test/cs101.pdf",
  openaiAPIKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,


import path from "path";
import { zerox } from "zerox";

const result = await zerox({
  filePath: path.resolve(__dirname, "./cs101.pdf"),
  openaiAPIKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,


const result = await zerox({
  // Required
  filePath: "path/to/file",
  openaiAPIKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,

  // Optional
  cleanup: true, // Clear images from tmp after run.
  concurrency: 10, // Number of pages to run at a time.
  correctOrientation: true, // True by default, attempts to identify and correct page orientation.
  errorMode: ErrorMode.IGNORE, // ErrorMode.THROW or ErrorMode.IGNORE, defaults to ErrorMode.IGNORE.
  maintainFormat: false, // Slower but helps maintain consistent formatting.
  maxRetries: 1, // Number of retries to attempt on a failed page, defaults to 1.
  maxTesseractWorkers: -1, // Maximum number of tesseract workers. Zerox will start with a lower number and only reach maxTesseractWorkers if needed.
  model: "gpt-4o-mini", // Model to use (gpt-4o-mini or gpt-4o).
  onPostProcess: async ({ page, progressSummary }) => Promise<void>, // Callback function to run after each page is processed.
  onPreProcess: async ({ imagePath, pageNumber }) => Promise<void>, // Callback function to run before each page is processed.
  outputDir: undefined, // Save combined result.md to a file.
  pagesToConvertAsImages: -1, // Page numbers to convert to image as array (e.g. `[1, 2, 3]`) or a number (e.g. `1`). Set to -1 to convert all pages.
  tempDir: "/os/tmp", // Directory to use for temporary files (default: system temp directory).
  trimEdges: true, // True by default, trims pixels from all edges that contain values similar to the given background colour, which defaults to that of the top-left pixel.

该选项尝试通过将前一页的输出作为下一页的附加上下文传入,以一致的格式返回 markdown。这需要请求同步运行,因此速度要慢得多。但是,如果您的文档包含大量表格数据,或者经常包含跨页的表格,则此属性很有价值。maintainFormat

Request #1 => page_1_image
Request #2 => page_1_markdown + page_2_image
Request #3 => page_2_markdown + page_3_image


  completionTime: 10038,
  fileName: 'invoice_36258',
  inputTokens: 25543,
  outputTokens: 210,
  pages: [
      content: '# INVOICE # 36258\n' +
        '**Date:** Mar 06 2012  \n' +
        '**Ship Mode:** First Class  \n' +
        '**Balance Due:** $50.10  \n' +
        '## Bill To:\n' +
        'Aaron Bergman  \n' +
        '98103, Seattle,  \n' +
        'Washington, United States  \n' +
        '## Ship To:\n' +
        'Aaron Bergman  \n' +
        '98103, Seattle,  \n' +
        'Washington, United States  \n' +
        '\n' +
        '| Item                                       | Quantity | Rate   | Amount  |\n' +
        '|--------------------------------------------|----------|--------|---------|\n' +
        "| Global Push Button Manager's Chair, Indigo | 1        | $48.71 | $48.71  |\n" +
        '| Chairs, Furniture, FUR-CH-4421             |          |        |         |\n' +
        '\n' +
        '**Subtotal:** $48.71  \n' +
        '**Discount (20%):** $9.74  \n' +
        '**Shipping:** $11.13  \n' +
        '**Total:** $50.10  \n' +
        '---\n' +
        '**Notes:**  \n' +
        'Thanks for your business!  \n' +
        '**Terms:**  \n' +
        'Order ID : CA-2012-AB10015140-40974  ',
      page: 1,
      contentLength: 747,
      status: 'SUCCESS',
  summary: {
    failedPages: 0,
    successfulPages: 1,
    totalPages: 1,

Python Zerox安装和使用

(Python SDK - 支持来自不同提供商的视觉模型,如 OpenAI、Azure OpenAI、Anthropic、AWS Bedrock 等)


  • 在系统上安装 poppler,它应该在 path 变量中可用。请参阅 pdf2image 文档以获取平台说明。
  • 安装 py-zerox:
pip install py-zerox

该函数是一个异步 API,它使用视觉模型执行 OCR(光学字符识别)以降价。它处理 PDF 文件并将其转换为 markdown 格式。在使用此 API 之前,请确保为模型和模型提供程序设置环境变量。pyzerox.zerox

请参阅 LiteLLM 文档 来设置环境并传递正确的模型名称。


from pyzerox import zerox
import os
import json
import asyncio

### Model Setup (Use only Vision Models) Refer: https://docs.litellm.ai/docs/providers ###

## placeholder for additional model kwargs which might be required for some models
kwargs = {}

## system prompt to use for the vision model
custom_system_prompt = None

# to override
# custom_system_prompt = "For the below pdf page, do something..something..." ## example

###################### Example for OpenAI ######################
model = "gpt-4o-mini" ## openai model
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "" ## your-api-key

###################### Example for Azure OpenAI ######################
model = "azure/gpt-4o-mini" ## "azure/<your_deployment_name>" -> format <provider>/<model>
os.environ["AZURE_API_KEY"] = "" # "your-azure-api-key"
os.environ["AZURE_API_BASE"] = "" # "https://example-endpoint.openai.azure.com"
os.environ["AZURE_API_VERSION"] = "" # "2023-05-15"

###################### Example for Gemini ######################
model = "gemini/gpt-4o-mini" ## "gemini/<gemini_model>" -> format <provider>/<model>
os.environ['GEMINI_API_KEY'] = "" # your-gemini-api-key

###################### Example for Anthropic ######################
os.environ["ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"] = "" # your-anthropic-api-key

###################### Vertex ai ######################
model = "vertex_ai/gemini-1.5-flash-001" ## "vertex_ai/<model_name>" -> format <provider>/<model>
## RUN ##
# !gcloud auth application-default login - run this to add vertex credentials to your env
## OR ##
file_path = 'path/to/vertex_ai_service_account.json'

# Load the JSON file
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
    vertex_credentials = json.load(file)

# Convert to JSON string
vertex_credentials_json = json.dumps(vertex_credentials)


## extra args
kwargs = {"vertex_credentials": vertex_credentials}

###################### For other providers refer: https://docs.litellm.ai/docs/providers ######################

# Define main async entrypoint
async def main():
    file_path = "https://omni-demo-data.s3.amazonaws.com/test/cs101.pdf" ## local filepath and file URL supported

    ## process only some pages or all
    select_pages = None ## None for all, but could be int or list(int) page numbers (1 indexed)

    output_dir = "./output_test" ## directory to save the consolidated markdown file
    result = await zerox(file_path=file_path, model=model, output_dir=output_dir,
                        custom_system_prompt=custom_system_prompt,select_pages=select_pages, **kwargs)
    return result

# run the main function:
result = asyncio.run(main())

# print markdown result


async def zerox(
    cleanup: bool = True,
    concurrency: int = 10,
    file_path: Optional[str] = "",
    maintain_format: bool = False,
    model: str = "gpt-4o-mini",
    output_dir: Optional[str] = None,
    temp_dir: Optional[str] = None,
    custom_system_prompt: Optional[str] = None,
    select_pages: Optional[Union[int, Iterable[int]]] = None,
) -> ZeroxOutput:


  • cleanup (bool, optional): 是否在处理后清理临时文件。默认为 True。
  • concurrency (int,可选): 要运行的并发进程数。默认值为 10。
  • file_path (可选[str], 可选): 要处理的 PDF 文件的路径。默认为空字符串。
  • maintain_format (bool,可选): 是否保留上一页的格式。默认为 False。
  • model (str,可选): 用于生成完成项的模型。默认为 “gpt-4o-mini”。 有关正确的模型名称,请参阅 LiteLLM Providers,因为它可能因提供商而异。
  • output_dir (Optional[str], optional): 用于保存 Markdown 输出的目录。默认为 None。
  • temp_dir (str,可选): 存储临时文件的目录,默认为系统临时目录中的某个命名文件夹。如果已经存在,则内容将在 zerox 使用之前被删除。
  • custom_system_prompt (str,可选): 用于模型的系统提示符,这将覆盖默认的系统提示符 zerox。通常,除非你想要一些特定的行为,否则它不是必需的。设置后,它将引发友好警告。默认为 None。
  • select_pages (optional[union[int, Iterable[int]]], 可选): 要处理的页面,可以是单个页码或页码的可迭代对象,默认为 None
  • kwargs (dict,可选): 要传递给 litellm.completion 方法的其他关键字参数。 有关详细信息,请参阅 LiteLLM 文档 和 完成输入 。


  • 零x输出: 包含模型生成的 Markdown 内容以及一些元数据(请参阅下文)。


Note: The output is mannually wrapped for this documentation for better readability.

            content='| Type    | Description                          | Wrapper Class |\n' +
                    '|---------|--------------------------------------|---------------|\n' +
                    '| byte    | 8-bit signed 2s complement integer   | Byte          |\n' +
                    '| short   | 16-bit signed 2s complement integer  | Short         |\n' +
                    '| int     | 32-bit signed 2s complement integer  | Integer       |\n' +
                    '| long    | 64-bit signed 2s complement integer  | Long          |\n' +
                    '| float   | 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point number| Float         |\n' +
                    '| double  | 64-bit floating point number         | Double        |\n' +
                    '| boolean | may be set to true or false          | Boolean       |\n' +
                    '| char    | 16-bit Unicode (UTF-16) character    | Character     |\n\n' +
                    'Table 26.2.: Primitive types in Java\n\n' +
                    '### 26.3.1. Declaration & Assignment\n\n' +
                    'Java is a statically typed language meaning that all variables must be declared before you can use ' +
                    'them or refer to them. In addition, when declaring a variable, you must specify both its type and ' +
                    'its identifier. For example:\n\n' +
                    '‍‍```java\n' +
                    'int numUnits;\n' +
                    'double costPerUnit;\n' +
                    'char firstInitial;\n' +
                    'boolean isStudent;\n' +
                    '‍‍```\n\n' +
                    'Each declaration specifies the variable’s type followed by the identifier and ending with a ' +
                    'semicolon. The identifier rules are fairly standard: a name can consist of lowercase and ' +
                    'uppercase alphabetic characters, numbers, and underscores but may not begin with a numeric ' +
                    'character. We adopt the modern camelCasing naming convention for variables in our code. In ' +
                    'general, variables must be assigned a value before you can use them in an expression. You do not ' +
                    'have to immediately assign a value when you declare them (though it is good practice), but some ' +
                    'value must be assigned before they can be used or the compiler will issue an error.\n\n' +
                    'The assignment operator is a single equal sign, `=` and is a right-to-left assignment. That is, ' +
                    'the variable that we wish to assign the value to appears on the left-hand-side while the value ' +
                    '(literal, variable or expression) is on the right-hand-side. Using our variables from before, ' +
                    'we can assign them values:\n\n' +
                    '> 2 Instance variables, that is variables declared as part of an object do have default values. ' +
                    'For objects, the default is `null`, for all numeric types, zero is the default value. For the ' +
                    'boolean type, `false` is the default, and the default char value is `\\0`, the null-terminating ' +
                    'character (zero in the ASCII table).',


我们使用 和 的组合来执行 document => 图像转换。对于非图像/非 pdf 文件,我们使用 libreoffice 将该文件转换为 pdf,然后再转换为图像。libreofficegraphicsmagick

  "pdf", // Portable Document Format
  "doc", // Microsoft Word 97-2003
  "docx", // Microsoft Word 2007-2019
  "odt", // OpenDocument Text
  "ott", // OpenDocument Text Template
  "rtf", // Rich Text Format
  "txt", // Plain Text
  "html", // HTML Document
  "htm", // HTML Document (alternative extension)
  "xml", // XML Document
  "wps", // Microsoft Works Word Processor
  "wpd", // WordPerfect Document
  "xls", // Microsoft Excel 97-2003
  "xlsx", // Microsoft Excel 2007-2019
  "ods", // OpenDocument Spreadsheet
  "ots", // OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template
  "csv", // Comma-Separated Values
  "tsv", // Tab-Separated Values
  "ppt", // Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003
  "pptx", // Microsoft PowerPoint 2007-2019
  "odp", // OpenDocument Presentation
  "otp", // OpenDocument Presentation Template


一个 AI 驱动的会议助手,可捕获实时会议音频、实时转录并生成摘要,同时确保用户隐私。
CHRONOS是一种新颖的基于检索的时间线摘要 (TLS) 方法,通过迭代提出有关主题和检索到的文档的问题来生成按时间顺序排列的摘要。